Living Faith Lutheran Church

Who we are

At Living Faith Lutheran Church, our mission is to live our faith in Jesus through joyful service and love for our neighbors.

To serve this mission, we:

  • share our faith through meaningful worship

  • offer a welcoming environment for all people

  • support those who choose to take a risk for Christ

  • encourage spiritual growth

  • use our gifts to serve the community

Living Faith Lutheran Church celebrates diversity and welcomes everyone seeking God’s love and grace to participate fully. Whatever your faith background, no matter whom you love, whatever your culture, ethnicity, economic reality, family structure, age, education, or ability…YOU are welcome.

To learn more about our ministry and ways to get involved at Living Faith - check out our Ministries page.

When we worship

Join us at 10:30 am on Sundays!

Each week we gather, sing, pray, engage with scripture, and share in Holy Communion. We believe Communion is a gift of God, for the people of God, and everyone is welcome at God’s table.


Where we are


Living Faith Lutheran Church

1605 Veirs Mill Rd

Rockville, Maryland 20851

You can enter from the front of the church, facing Veirs Mill Rd., or directly from the parking lot.


What to expect

What should I wear?

Come as you are! At our services you'll find everything from jeans and flip-flops to suits and ties.

What about kids?

Bring the kids! We welcome young families, nursing mothers, and children of all ages in all our services. There is also a child-friendly area with quiet toys and activities available in the sanctuary.

What is worship like?

As Lutherans, we practice a standard liturgy including confession and forgiveness, Bible readings, music, a short sermon, and communion at every service. Our worship is accompanied by our organist and guest musicians.

What we believe

We are a member church of the Metropolitan Washington DC Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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